mycard.berkeley Berkeley Payments

mycard.berkeley Berkeley Payments

Berkeley Payments at helped create a disbursements program to pay out direct wages to GoSales’ vendors on behalf of their Telecom customers.

Berkeley Payments offers a holistic approach to your financial needs. Hundreds of features, easy configuration, and accessible via API or portal. With Berkeley, you receive a partner agnostic platform with multiple processors, banking partners, and fulfillment centers, which enables you to find the best partners tailored to your specific needs. Finally, the platform is multi-tenant, 100% PCI compliant, and regularly audited making it one of the most trusted platforms for the world’s leading financial institutions.

Avon leverages Berkeley’s Rewards and Incentives Platform to build a custom prepaid gift card program that awards sales representatives with a cash payout, when they meet or exceed personal annual sales goals.

Berkeley’s Real-Time Transfers with DirectSend delivers low-cost, real-time business disbursements, transfers, and supplier payments.

Eliminate the use of cheques with VisaDirect to push funds directly to a recipient’s bank account or credit card.

Facilitate mass Interact E-Transfers, ACH, and EFT for flexibility over payout cost and timing.

Also Read : Pay Now

Customize Your Branded Payout Portal

Easily edit and update your fonts, logo, and colors to reflect your company’s brand and offer a consistent experience to customers wherever they interact with you.

Configure Card Restrictions With Open APIs

Berkeley’s API enables developers to easily integrate payments and provide customizable and flexible solutions for your project needs.

Customize Card Features

Create a branded email notification using various email templates. Recipients will receive a payment receipt notification via e-mail and users simply click on the button to receive funds.

How do I activate my card?

Activating your card is quite simple, provided that you have all the information required. Bear in mind that you may need to refer to different online portals based on the type of card that you have. You may refer the back of your card to know what portal that you’re supposed to sign in to as it may differ depending on the organization that provided you with the card.

For cardholders that needs to login to

  1. To login you will need to enter your 16-digit card number, your CVV which is the 3-digit number on the back of the card and your 4-digit unique access can be found on your carrier which is the paper your card came attached to.
  2. Hit Go.
  3. Your card is now activated!!!

For cardholders that needs to login to

  1. Go to to activate your card. 
  2. Hit Submit.
  3. Your card is now activated!!!
You may also go to to register your card and create your account (this is largely optional but is absolutely necessary should you require the ability to monitor your balance). When registering, please hover over the bubbles in the empty fields to make sure that your password and username match the requirements. If you have multiple cards that needs to be registered via this portal, make sure that you use different iterations of your username/password.

Once you’re done activating your account you can check your profile for your PIN and monitor your transactions.

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