Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Nov 30, 2023


This project is developed for the users to have automatic gate control, E-ticket and accident alert in modern railways.

The main modules in gate control module is sensor, Microcontroller unit, Driver unit and gate motor.

The IR transmitter and receiver are connected near the gate so that one faces the other. The IR transmitter transmits IR rays when the power supply is switched on. The IR sensor is connected with the microcontroller. In normal positions, the rays transmitted from the transmitter falls on the IR sensor.

If there is no train, the signals from the IR transmitter falls on the IR receiver directly. When the train crosses the particular area, the IR signals are cut and it automatically sends signal to the microcontroller.

The microcontroller operates the relay section through driver section. Thus the gate opens. After certain period, the microcontroller operates another relay to close the door. If the train stops in that place, the microcontroller wont allow the gate to open.

The main modules in accident alert is IR transmitter and receiver. The transmitter and receiver are connected parallelly in front of the train. Usually IR rays when fall on any obstacles, reflected back. So if any obstacle is placed in front of the train, the receiver receives the reflected signal.

When the train is moving along the track, if any train (Obstacle) in front of it, the IR rays reflected from the other the receiver receives train and the receiver sends signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller analyses the distance and if necessary, it stops the train and produces siren.

The main module in the E-ticket is RF ID. The receiver is connected at the entrance of the train. The user when enters inside the train must scratch the card in the receiver. It automatically analyses the card and deducts the amount from the bank account. Thus it avoids ticket less journey