615 Area Code : Location map, time zone, and phone lookup
The 615 area code is located in Tennessee, USA. It primarily serves the city of Nashville and its surrounding areas.
Some other notable cities within the 615 area code include:
- Murfreesboro
- Franklin
- Brentwood
- Gallatin
- Hendersonville
- Lebanon
In 2014, the 629 area code was added as an overlay to the 615 area, meaning both area codes serve the same geographic region.
Additional details:
• Time zone: Central Time Zone (CST/CDT)
• Overlay area code: 629 (both 615 and 629 serve the same geographic region)
• Notable cities within the area code:
- Murfreesboro
- Franklin
- Brentwood
- Gallatin
- Hendersonville
- Lebanon
Phone lookup:
There are various online directories and services you can use to look up phone numbers within the 615 area code. Some popular options include:
- Whitepages: Offers both free and paid search options for people and businesses.
- AnyWho: A free online directory provided by AT&T.
- Yellowpages: Focuses primarily on business listings.
Note: When searching for a phone number, remember that the 629 area code also covers the same region as 615.