Yahoo Connected TV Store

Yahoo Connected TV Store

For all the apps that could be found on Yahoo’s Connected TV platform, there was the Connected TV Store. With the help of the Store, Yahoo teams and third-party writers may showcase their apps with descriptive screenshots and data presented in an organized and standard fashion.

  • Developed the UI and UX design
  • Produced code-ready visual assets
  • Worked closely with Engineering and QA in executing and troubleshooting the app
  • Expanded on the Store design to accept payments when the ability to sell apps for a fee became available

With over 80 Yahoo TV Widgets, customers may access thousands of content sources through Yahoo Connected TV. Some of these sites include Twitter, Pandora, eBay, CBS, and USA Today.

Sony, Samsung, VIZIO, LG, and Toshiba are among the TV manufacturers with which the company has reached agreements to offer the service on their products. According to Yahoo, as many as 70% of TVs sold with Yahoo Connected TV end up being online, and 60% of those TVs go on to become monthly customers.

The widget development kit now allows developers to construct paid TV widgets. The price of the paid widget will range from $0.99 to $99.00 and will be paid for in one go. Yahoo will be in charge of collecting payments for the Paid TV Widgets and distributing them to the producers of those widgets, with a revenue split of 70%. Initial participants in the Paid TV Widget developer program will come from the following countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Sweden, France, Canada, and Australia.

Since Google has launched a competing service with Google TV, the future of Yahoo Connected TV is uncertain. Samsung TV, a Yahoo partner, is preparing to include Google TV into its televisions.