www myhyundai com Login Account
To login into My Hyundai Account, Please enter an Email address and a Password. By clicking Log In, you agree that you have read our Privacy Policy and, if you are a connected services subscriber, agree to the Terms and Conditions.
myHyundai is a unique members portal with custom content curated just for you. Sign-in or register today to start receiving exclusive offers, rewards, news and benefits. Owning a Hyundai just got better.
If you forgot your password or need to create a new one, simply follow the steps below to reset your MyHyundai password.
STEP #1:
From the MyHyundai homepage, click on the “Forgot password” link.
STEP #2:
Enter the email address you are using on your MyHyundai account. Click Next.
STEP #3:
To confirm your account, please answer the security question that you set up when you created your MyHyundai account. Click Next.
NOTE: If you have forgotten the answer to your security question please follow (Steps 4 through Step 7) otherwise advance to Step 8 to complete the password reset process.
STEP #4:
Click on the Verification Code link. Click Next.
STEP #5:
To receive a Verification Code, enter your Phone Number (Mobile or Landline #) and Zip Code or the Last 6 digits of your VIN and Zip Code. Click Next.
STEP #6:
To receive your Verification Code choose the delivery method you would prefer, either by text or email.
STEP #7:
Check your email or text message for the Verification Code sent to you. Insert the Verification Code and click Next.
STEP #8:
A Reset Link has been sent to you through email or text message. Click on the Reset Link to create a new password. Enter a new password, confirm password. Click on the blue button to change your password.
NOTE: If you did not receive the Password Reset Link email please check your spam folder
A pop-up screen will appear after you’ve changed your password stating that you have successfully reset your password. Click the blue button to return to the login page of MyHyundai.
How do I activate MyHyundai Bluelink?
1) Start your vehicle and turn the navigation system on.
2) Select Bluelink in the Multimedia menu.
3) Using the main display screen in the middle of your dashboard, select Bluelink Settings.
4) Select Service Activation.
Where can I find MyHyundai account number?
Hyundai Motor Finance. Look for account number in your welcome letter or statement, or VIN in your contract. Used only to identify your identity, never for any other purpose.
How do I create a Bluelink account on MyHyundai?
- Street* Please enter your street.
- Suite.
- City* Please enter your city.
- Postal Code* For successful enrollment, please enter the postal code you provided during the purchase of your vehicle. Please enter your postal code. Please enter a valid postal code.
Can I unlock MyHyundai with my phone?
Hyundai Digital Key 2 is a smartphone-based car key that allows you to unlock, lock, and start your car with your phone. It is currently compatible with select Samsung, Google and Apple devices. You can also share the key with up to 3 people through Samsung Pass, Google Wallet and Apple Wallet.