Why My Facebook Not Working : Total Outrage of Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Instagram

Why My Facebook Not Working : Total Outrage of Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Instagram

The tracker for Facebook had nearly 40,000 reports within an hour. Apart from the main social network, a similar trend can be observed for all other Facebook services, such as Instagram and Facebook Messenger. Not only were the websites affected, but so were the apps for these platforms.

Twitter users all over the world are joking, speculating, and venting, but it’s unclear when the social network and its various services will be back online at this time. Because of our increasing reliance on Facebook services, particularly WhatsApp, to power not just status updates and funny cat pictures but entire businesses and communities as well, outages like these can be quite severe.

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WhatsApp is available for direct download from the company’s website. Open the downloaded file to begin installing the latest version of WhatsApp APK by following the on-screen instructions. Also, your smartphone must run Android 2.1 (Android 3.0 and 2.2 will no longer be supported by the end of 2016). In Settings > About Phone, you can see which version of Android is installed on your phone.


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Unknown Sources must be enabled in your security settings before you can install the WhatsApp app from the WhatsApp website. To enable it, navigate to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources.

I can’t get my contacts to show up in WhatsApp

There are a variety of reasons why WhatsApp is failing to recognise your contacts. To help you narrow down the possibilities, we’ve put together a quick checklist.

Verify that you have the correct phone numbers for the people you need to contact (the ones they use for WhatsApp).

Verify to see if they’re currently using WhatsApp with your loved one.

Check to see if WhatsApp is up to date.

Ensure that all of your contacts are ‘visible’ and/or ‘viewable’ in your contact list.

To prevent spam, make sure all of your contact groups (such as those for friends, family, and coworkers) are visible and/or viewable in your contact list.

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