Weather In Delhi for Next 30 Days

Weather In Delhi for Next 30 Days

In the next 30 days, in Delhi,  there will be 1 day of rain, 30 days’ Temp above 35°, the Max Temp is 46°(05-Jun) and the Min Temp is 28°(08-Jun, 09-Jun, 11-Jun).

On 30th May in Delhi, there will be Sky with some clouds. There are heat waves in a few places. There is a chance of a thunderstorm or dust storm with very light rain or drizzle and gusty winds (25–35 km/h).

On 31.05.2024, there will be Sky with some clouds. High temperature. Increased likelihood of heat illness symptoms in people who are either exposed to sun for a prolonged period or doing heavy work. High health concern for vulnerable people e.g. infants, elderly, people with chronic diseases.

Avoid heat exposure – keep cool. Avoid dehydration. Drink sufficient water- even if not thirsty. Use ORS, homemade drinks like lassi, torani (rice water), lemon water, buttermilk, etc. to keep yourself hydrate


Delhi Forecast in next 30 days

Source :

A serious heatwave with dry weather is expected to last until June 1 in a lot of India, such as Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and other places.

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) says that the heatwave-like conditions in these states will slowly get better over the next two to three days. Check out the IMD weather report for today.

Today, May 30, the National Capital will experience a strong heatwave that is getting a little weaker. Head of the Regional Weather Forecasting Centre, IMD, Kuldeep Srivastava told ANI that the weather service had sent out an Orange alert for Delhi on Thursday.