Steam Invalid SSL Certificate : How do I fix the Invalid SSL error for steam?

Steam Invalid SSL Certificate : How do I fix the Invalid SSL error for steam?

I’m unable to view my Steam inventory, the market, and my account details. I tried opening it up in the browser and it still gives me the Invalid SSL Certificate error. I was able to open it on laptop no problem.

I already opted out of the beta and refreshed steam’s files.

Error Image

Solution :

If it’s only happening on one computer in the same network, then chances are the system clock is wrong. Assuming Windows, right-click the clock in your taskbar -> Adjust date/time -> Internet Time -> Change Settings -> Update now.

It’s typical for the time to be incorrect after being updated. If you fail multiple times, you may need to try a different server.


Open Keychain Access.

Click on “Login” under keychains on the top left pane in the window.

Look for a non apple invalid SSL certificate. It should have a little red X on the icon. When you click on it it should say “This root certificate is not trusted”.

Mine had an expiration date in the future and it said that it was not trusted.

Delete it and it should work.



To fix it, go into your settings. On the first tab you will see a button called “Beta Participation”. Click “Change”. Go down into the dropdown menu and choose “OPT out of all Beta programs”. Click “OK”. It will ask you to restart Steam. When you load it back up, it will be downloading an update. Then when the client is finished, you should be able to go into everything again. NOTE: I found this out myself.

Probable Solution

As the time and date answers did not seem to help you it is signaling that something is quite wrong with your computers certificate store and the root certificate for DigiCert (‘DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA’) is missing (or you might have some malicious applications on your computer).

First, we can try seeing if the ‘DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA’ is part of your computers trusted root certification authorities. This certificate authority should be present in default Windows installations.

  1. Hit Win+R key on your keyboard. In the new ‘Run’ window enter certmgr.msc and hit ok.

Run certificate manager

  1. In the new window, using the navigation pane on the left navigate to ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ -> ‘Certificates’. We can confirm that the certificate is present by looking at the list enter image description here
  2. If we double click on this certificate and navigate to the details tab we can check the thumbprint of this certificate. According to DigiCert website’s information the correct thumbprint for this exact certificate is ‘5F:B7:EE:06:33:E2:59:DB:AD:0C:4C:9A:E6:D3:8F:1A:61:C7:DC:25’. You can see that it is an exact match if we remove the colons used for formatting.

enter image description here

If the ‘DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA’ certificate is missing from the list then there might be a problem with your Windows installation as in a default installation Windows Update should take care of keeping this list up to date. I would highly suggest trying to run Windows Update and getting the newest patches from Microsoft. There might be possibility that a GroupPolicy setting is set on your computer (should not by default) that disables these trusted certificate list updates. To check this:

  1. Hit Window+R keys on your keyboard, enter gpedit.msc
  2. In the Group Policy window navigate to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Internet Communication Management -> Internet Communication settings.
  3. In this view find the setting ‘Turn off Automatic root certificate updates’. If everything is correct it should be set to ‘Not Configured’ or ‘Disabled’. If It is enabled, set it to Disabled, hit OK and restart your computer, then try running windows update.

enter image description here

This next step is for experimentation sake. Only Windows Update should be trusted with installing root certificates unless you have a direct need yourself

If all else fails you can try installing this root certificate manually. Download the ‘DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA’ certificate from DigiCerts website manually (since your browsers are blocking access to websites with DigiCert based certificates you might need to do this step on another device and transfer the file to your computer).

  1. On the website find the exact Certificate that we need (‘DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA’) and press ‘Download DER/CRT’.
  2. Open the downloaded file and a certificate pop up should appear. Hit ‘Install Certificate’
  3. Follow these steps: select ‘Local Machine’ as the store location. In the Certificate Store step select ‘Place all certificates in the following store’ and click browse. In the list select ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ folder and click ok
  4. Finish the installation. After that restart your computer and check if a difference was made.