Online IELTS Band Calculators
To calculate your overall IELTS band score, Enter your individual scores for each section. Add up your scores from all four sections and divide the total by four.
Here’s how it works:
1. Enter your individual scores for each section:
- Listening (0-9)
- Reading (0-9)
- Writing (0-9)
- Speaking (0-9)
2. Calculate the average:
Add up your scores from all four sections and divide the total by four.
3. Round the average to the nearest half or whole band:
- If the average ends in .25, it’s rounded up to the next half band (e.g., 6.25 becomes 6.5).
- If the average ends in .75, it’s rounded up to the next whole band (e.g., 6.75 becomes 7.0).
- Listening: 7.0
- Reading: 6.5
- Writing: 6.0
- Speaking: 7.5
(7.0 + 6.5 + 6.0 + 7.5) / 4 = 6.75
Overall Band Score: 7.0 (rounded up from 6.75)
Keep in mind:
- Each section is equally weighted.
- The overall band score ranges from 0 to 9.
Online IELTS band calculators Websites
Here are a few reliable online IELTS band calculators you can use:
IELTS Calculator:
- This site offers a simple calculator where you input your individual section scores, and it calculates your overall band score. It also provides information on how the IELTS band scores are calculated.
- This website, run by IELTS Australia, offers a clear explanation of how IELTS scores are calculated, along with a table showing examples of how raw scores translate to band scores.
IELTS Buddy:
- This calculator from IELTS Buddy is straightforward and easy to use. It also includes links to other helpful IELTS resources.
British Council:
- This calculator from the British Council is another reliable option. It provides a simple interface to calculate your overall band score.
- This calculator from IDP IELTS India is specifically designed for test-takers in India. It offers a user-friendly interface and provides instant results.
These calculators all function similarly, but some may offer extra features like estimating your band score based on the number of correct answers in the Listening and Reading sections. Choose whichever one you find most convenient and user-friendly!