Activate ROL Activate ROL

To activate ROL, Send a request notification to operators in the Transport Operations Room (TOR) of the Transport Management Centre(TMC) at

To activate or deactivate your approved Road Occupancy Licence (ROL) shifts, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the ROL Shift Management website at
  2. Log in to verify your ROL.
  3. Activate your shift as needed.

If you encounter any issues accessing the website, you can also call the Traffic Management Center (TMC) at 1800 679 782

On receipt of your notification, the TOR will respond with a notification that you can commence work on your ROL.

On receipt of your notification, the TOR will respond with a notification that you may not commence on your ROL. This maybe because you have in some way breached the terms of the license or because there is an incident or similar on the road.

Deactivate ROL

Send a notification to the TOR that you have finished work and request deactivation of your ROL. On receipt of your notification that you have completed work, the TOR will respond with a notification that you can leave the worksite and that your ROL has been deactivated.

If you do not send a deactivation request within the period of the ROL or there is an emergency requiring you to finish early you will receive an instruction notification to leave the worksite.

When to speak-with-TMC by phone mode when using the application.

• The system does not recognize the ROL number and/or licensee contact number you have entered.

• You have system problems or difficulties using the application.

• If you go to activate a shift and the Activate Shift button is unavailable it may be that the previous shift on the ROL was not deactivated. In this situation you will need to call the TMC to activate your shift.

• If a shift has been deactivated early due to an emergency and you wish to reactivate it.

• You need to activate or deactivate a permanent VMS or other roadside device (VSLS, switching Traffic Control Signals to flashing yellow) using Shift Management web Application followed by phone call to TMC.

Also Read : How To Activate Standby Mode iOS 17

NSW Guide to Activation

The NSW Guide to Activation gives information and tools for improving the activation of public spaces.

It was developed through research and consultation with a broad range of stakeholders.

The NSW Guide to Activation addresses themes around reimagining, restoring, reshaping, and rebuilding our centres to drive better performance and productivity from public places across NSW.