myhealthplanaccount com Healthy Blue Anthem Activate Card : Steps to Activate My Health Plan Account
To activate your My Health Plan Healthy Blue Card , login on to the webpage or by calling the Choice Counseling Helpline toll-free at 1-877-711-3662 (TTY 1-866-467-4970). Have your Medicaid ID number, Social Security number and date of birth with you when you call
To activate your My Health Plan Account, follow these simple steps:
- Visit the official Myhealthplanaccount website at
- Select your state from the dropdown list.
- Choose the state in which you are residing.
- Click on the “Register” button.
- Select your state coverage amount.
This process will give you control over your health insurance coverage and other features. If you have a member ID card from the health insurance company, make sure to activate it on the website. 🌟
You have options in how you deal with your health care. If you go with Clear Health Alliance, you’ll have easy access to doctors who will take the time to diagnose and explain your issue, case managers who will assist you navigate the healthcare system, and wellness benefits that will support you in achieving and maintaining optimal health.
1. Apply for Medicaid benefits
To enroll in Clear Health Alliance you must get Medicaid benefits. If you don’t have Medicaid yet, you can apply online at
2. Choose Clear Health Alliance as your health plan
You can choose a plan when you apply for Medicaid or you can change your plan within the first 120 days of enrollment. There are two easy ways to enroll with us:-
- Online: go to the Florida Statewide Medicaid Managed Care website at
- By phone: call the Choice Counseling Helpline toll-free at 1-877-711-3662 (TTY 1-866-467-4970). Have your Medicaid ID number, Social Security number and date of birth with you when you call.
3. Check your mail
Once you are enrolled with Clear Health Alliance you will receive a new member packet in the mail. Protecting your privacy is important to us. A discreet logo is used on all member materials.
Also Read : Westpac Activate Card Login Account
How to renew
1. Check your mail
You’ll get a letter from the state about two months before you need to renew your coverage. If you have a My ACCESS account, you will get an email alert.
2. Renew your benefits
Once you receive your letter, renew your benefits in one of these ways:
- Online: Log in to your My ACCESS account.
- By mail: Fill out and return the renewal paperwork that came with your letter from the state.
- By phone or in person: Call or visit your local community partner agency.
Medical coverage will expire if you fail to renew by the specified date. Remember to re-up on time!!