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Zoom is a cloud-based meeting tool which combines video conferencing, online meetings, and mobile collaboration into one platform. Its dependable, high-quality and easy to use design have made it so much easier for groups around the world to connect and collaborate.
What You Need To Get Started
• a computer with internet connection
• an external or built-in microphone or a phone line for audio capabilities
• an external or built-in webcam for video capabilities
How to Launch Zoom and Participate in Your Meeting
When you’re invited to participate in a Zoom meeting or training, you’ll receive instructions via email for how to join. If the meeting requires that you register in advance of joining, you will receive these instructions as well. Below are two examples of invitation that you might receive.
Meetings Requiring Registration:
An email will arrive with a registration link. Click the link to complete the registration. Once registered, you will receive a unique sign in link which you may use at the time of the meeting.
Meetings Not Requiring Registration
An email will arrive with a “Join” link. At the time of the meeting, you may either click on the link provided, or go to the Zoom web site at http://zoom.us/ and click on “Join a Meeting” where you can enter the 9 or 10-digit Meeting ID number (noted with the red arrow).
Joining a Meeting
At the time of the meeting, you will click the “Join ZoomGov Meeting” link and will receive the following message and dialog box. Choose the Zoom Meeting option, check the box to remember your choice and click on “Open Link”
Alternately, you may see a dialog box like this:
Participants may be asked to wait until the host begins the meeting. Once the meeting has started, you will see audio options like this: Computer Audio Option: Click the “Test Speaker and Microphone Link” (indicated by the red arrow) to ensure your computer audio devices are working correctly. Once you are satisfied, you may click the “Join with Computer Audio button”
Phone Call-in Option:
Choose this tab if you are dialing in by phone. The dial in number, Meeting ID and Participant ID (if applicable) will be listed. Follow the instructions provided after dialing the call in number.
Call Me Option:
Choose this tab and enter the number you would like the Zoom system to call. You may select the “remember this number” box if you will be using this phone each time. Once entered, select the “Call Me” button and the Zoom system will call your phone and patch you into the meeting audio.
Zoom Meeting Control Panel
1. Mute/Unmute your audio. You may also change your audio device but clicking the up arrow next to the microphone.
2. Start/Stop your video. You can also select your video input and video feature by clicking the up arrow next to the movie camera.
3. Invite more people to join (this may be disabled by the host)
4. View a list of the participants.
5. Share your screen (this may be disabled by the host)
6. Send a message to everyone or a single participant on using the chat feature
7. Record the meeting (this may be disabled by the host)
8. Leave the meeting
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