https // login : CPOMS – Safeguarding Software for Schools
Higher level access users also require a ‘Key’, as well as entering their email address and password. This may be a ‘Soft Key’ using the CPOMS Authenticator App, or a physical USB key.
Each key acts as the third element of security in CPOMS.
You will only ever be granted full access to the system when using the correct email address, password and key code.
‘Soft Key’ log-in using the CPOMS Authenticator App
The CPOMS Authenticator App (Soft Key) works in much the same way as the latest revisions of Internet Banking in that it generates an ever changing security code to enable you log in using the app on your smart phone, tablet or iPad. The app can be used to log in to CPOMS on a PC/ laptop – the app simply provides the passcode to input.

To log in using your Soft Key, firstly enter your email address, password and click ‘Login’.
Next, when prompted open up your CPOMS Authenticator App and press ‘Send Code to CPOMS’. If you do not have access to the internet on the app device you can also manually type in the 6-digit number instead.
If you have not setup a Soft Key
click here.
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USB Key Log-in
If you are unable to use the Soft Key option, you can purchase a USB key.

To log in using a USB key, simply enter your email address, password and click ‘Login’.
Next, when prompted insert your USB key into one of the USB ports in your machine, once the light is on steady green lightly press the gold circle on your key.
Once accepted you will be taken through to the higher level dashboard.
If you have not setup your U2F Key
click here.
On log in you will see the higher level access dashboard and any alerts that you have received.
Higher Level Dashboard
The Higher Level Dashboard displays a range of different search options to the left side of the screen.
- The ‘Quick Student Search’ box will find any part of any pupil name and present you with a corresponding list.
- Beneath the ‘Quick Student Search’, is the ‘Monitored Students’ check box which will produce a list of all the pupils who are currently being monitored under any of the categories that you have access to. A pupil becomes monitored automatically when they have had an incident added to their profile by a staff member, or when they have been manually monitored from within the student overview.
- As well as ‘Include Archived Students’, which will allow you to do any of the two previous searches and include any pupils who have now left the school – e.g. the last year 6 or 11 class.
- You can also ‘Filter by Group’ to produce a full class register, and a note will appear next to their name of any categories pupils within that class are currently monitored under.
Lastly, you can filter by a specific category.
On the right hand side of the dashboard is the ‘Alert’ section. If you have been alerted to an incident or action these will be listed when you log in, along with any reminders you have set.
If you have been sent any alerts at all, you will also receive an email to your school email address (or the one which we have been given) to make you aware of the fact that you have been sent an alert by a member of staff in school.
The email will tell you who has created the alert and which category it falls under but no other information. It will then give you a link to the log in page for your CPOMS to view the content in full.
Once logged into the dashboard you will see your list of alerts. It will again tell you which member of staff has alerted you, which student the alert is for, the category the incident falls under and when the incident alert was created.
If you now click on the word ‘Incident’ you will be taken directly to view the incident, highlighted in yellow.
With full access you are able to see more than the singular incident to which you have been alerted. If you have access to every category, you will see every incident registered in the system for this particular student.
Once you have read the incident, you can then mark as read to acknowledge that you have seen the incident and understand the content. Once you mark an incident as read it will remove the alert from your dashboard alerts section.
The incident will then filter into the student’s incident log at the appropriate point i.e. if it is the most recent, it will be at the top. If an incident has been backdated it will filter in below any others that are more recent.
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