https //tn-student Login : SchoolNet Student Login
The first step is to open the
The first time a student logs in with their Temporary Password they will be prompted to set a permanent password.
Notes for Teachers and Administrators:
Students’ login using a different url than Staff.
Student login URL :
Instructions for Students to login to Schoolnet:
1. The first step is to open the
2. Scroll down and select Sevier County.
3. Click Username and enter your email.
4. Click Password
5. Click Sign In.
6. Find and click on
7. To print student login info: Locate (but don’t click on) the appropriate test and click on
8. Click View Usernames.
9. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on
10. Click Print
11. The Online Passcode can be found beneath the Test Title toward the top of the page. (It is in gray font)
That’s it. You’re done!
Tn Schoolnet – How to Administer Assessments
1. The first step is to open Login and click Sign In. Make sure to click on Blount County, if a drop down is provided.
2. Click Assessments
3. Scroll down to assessment needed and click Actions
4. Click View Usernames
5. Write down this Online Passcode. Students will need this information once they log in
6. Scroll down and click Print User Names
A pop screen will show up with your students usernames and passwords. Print & hand out to students
7. Use these student instructions to administer assessment.
Teachers need 3 things:
1. Website
2. Student Usernames & PWs3.
3. Online Passcode.
Once a test is scheduled to their sections, teachers can locate student usernames and temporary passwords using the following path:
• From the Classroom Assessment Monitor widget>
• click Test Management tab>
• View Usernames in the drop down to the left of the test name.
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