https // : CAEPTOX | Exames Toxicológicos

https // : CAEPTOX | Exames Toxicológicos

With an analytical capacity of 10,000 samples per day and serving more than 1,000 laboratories throughout Brazil, CAEPTOX has exclusive benefits for both drivers and partners, such as the CTOX Portal and delivery of results in just 2 days*.

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Depois de recolher a amostra de pelo ou cabelo, o resultado sai em 5 dias*. E você, CFC, fatura por auxiliar o motorista a comprar o valeexame toxicológico
… a coleta ou pelo próprio doador acessando o site … Acessar o portal do Caeptox pelo atraves do login do laboratorio ou …

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Para acessar seu laudo você deve entrar no site <>, colocar seu CPF e o número da amostra. Outra alternativa é ir ao posto onde fez a coleta ..

The “Form Number” can be found in the upper right corner of your “Chain of Custody Form for Toxicological Testing” , as shown below:

Sample Psychemedics Form Number

Your “Password” can be found next to your name in the “Result Protocol” , as shown in the image below:

More information about the Toxicology Test

If you still have any questions regarding the drug test, or about the substances detected that can make your test result positive, read our page about drug tests and clarify all your doubts.