https // in Login Aadhaar: Download Aadhaar Card by Aadhaar Number

https // in Login Aadhaar : Download Aadhaar Card by Aadhaar Number

Go to the official website UIDAI to verify your mobile number. Here you will see at the bottom of the screen the option of ‘Aadhaar Services’.

To log in to myAadhaar, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the myAadhaar portal at
  2. You’ll find a single portal for all online Aadhaar Services.
  3. Enter your Aadhaar number or Virtual ID (VID).
  4. Complete the Captcha verification.
  5. Click on Send OTP.
  6. You’ll receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on your registered mobile number.
  7. Enter the OTP and click on Submit.

You have an e-Aadhaar card, which is a digital version of your Aadhaar card. This means that you can use your e-Aadhaar to verify your identity with numerous government agencies. Identical to the physical Aadhaar card, the e-Aadhaar card has all of the relevant information, such as your biometric data and demographic parameters, as well as your Aadhaar number and photograph, as well as generic information such as your name, date of birth, and gender.

As per Aadhaar Act, e-Aadhaar is equally valid like Physical Copy of Aadhaar for all purposes. For UIDAI circular on validity of e Aadhaar, please visit E-Aadhaar

The e-Aadhaar card must be downloaded in order to be used.

Also Read : ABHA Card Download PDF by Aadhar Number

Download Aadhaar Card by Aadhaar Number

• To download the Aadhaar Card click on links which Appearing on Bottom of this page

• Enter your Enrollment / Aadhaar Number to Download the Aadhaar Card and Get OTP in Your Mobile Phone

• Enter Your OTP Password to Download Aadhaar Card.

• NOTE : Your E Aadhaar Card Default Password is Your Area Pin Code.

• If You have forget the all Details As. Enrollment No. and Aadhaar No. Then Use the Find UID Option.

eAadhaar Login

How to validate digital signatures in e-Aadhaar?

  • Computer must be connected to internet while validating digital signature.
    • Right click on the ‘validity unknown’ icon and click on ‘Validate Signature’
    • You will get the signature validation status window, click on ‘Signature Properties’.
    • Click on ‘Show Certificate.’
    • Verify that there is a certification path named ‘NIC sub-CA for NIC 2011, National Informatics centre’. This identifies ‘NIC sub-CA for NIC 2011, National Informatics centre’ as the owner of the digital certificate that has been used when signing the document.
    • Mark the certification path named ‘NIC sub-CA for NIC 2011, National Informatics centre’, click the ‘Trust’ tab and then ‘Add to Trusted Identities’.
    • Answer ‘OK’ to any security question that follows.
    • Check (✔) the field for ‘Use this certificate as a trusted root’ and click ‘OK’ twice to close this and the next window.
    • Click ‘Validate Signature’ to execute the validation.


    Note: – Once ‘NIC sub-CA for NIC 2011, National Informatics centre’ has been as a Trusted Identity, any subsequent documents with digital signatures from CCA will be validated automatically when opened.

What Is the Password of e-Aadhaar?

Combination of the first 4 letters of name in CAPITAL and the year of birth (YYYY) as password.

For Example:

Example 1
Year of Birth: 1990
Password: SURE1990

Example 2
Year of Birth: 1990
Password: SAIK1990

Example 3
Name: P. KUMAR
Year of Birth: 1990
Password: P.KU1990

Example 4
Name: RIA
Year of Birth: 1990
Password: RIA1990

How can Resident download e-Aadhaar?

Resident can download e-Aadhaar by following two ways.

  • By Using Enrollment Number:Resident can download e-Aadhaar using 28 digit enrolment no. along with Full Name and Pin code. In this download process OTP is received on registered mobile no. Resident can also use TOTP to download e-Aadhaar instead of OTP. TOTP can generated using mAadhaar mobile Application.
  • By Using Aadhaar No:Resident can download e-Aadhaar by using 12 digits Aadhaar No. along with Full Name and Pin code. In this download process OTP is received on registered mobile no. Resident can also use TOTP to download e-Aadhaar instead of OTP. TOTP can generated using mAadhaar mobile Application.


Check Aadhaar Card Status

Click Here

Download Aadhaar Card  (Mobile)

Click Here

Download Aadhaar (Enrollment ID / Aadhar No.)

Click Here

Update Aadhaar Card / Online Correction

Click Here

Verify Your Aadhar

Click Here

Lock/ Unlock Biometrics

Click Here

Aadhar Bank AC Link Status

Click Here

Official Website

Click Here

How to Verify mobile number online for Aadhaar:

Candidates also can check their Aadhaar card status through mobile number. But for this process your mobile number should be verified first,Here are some steps ,follow these easy steps to verify your mobile number.

STEP-1: Go to the official website UIDAI to verify your mobile number.

STEP-2: Here you will see at the bottom of the screen the option of ‘Aadhaar Services’ select this option which displays a link to Enrolment/Download/E-Aadhaar Update,.

STEP-3: After clicking on the link you will be automatically redirected to the Aadhaar Kiosk.

STEP-4: Here you will find a number of options on the screen like as: Aadhaar status check,Aadhaar Enrolment,Updating Aadhaar.

STEP-5: Because you want to verify your mobile number so need to click on the ‘verify email/mobile ’option that appears on the right side of the page.

STEP-6: After doing this you will redirected automatically to a particular page where you will be asked to verify the mobile number provided by you.

STEP-7: Here you need to fill some details such as the 12 digits Aadhaar number,email id or mobile number.A security code will flash on the screen .You must enter the code and click on the ‘Generate verification code’ option .

STEP-8: After clicking on the ‘Generate verification code’ link ,a verification code sent to you mobile number ,you need to enter the verification code received on the screen.After doing this click on the ‘verify’ option that appears at the bottom of the screen to complete the verification process.