https // registration/student :
E-learning is an active learning platform which provides learner centric online courses of various discipline. It provides a platform where the individual gets a customized package related to key thematic areas, through a computer-guided process.
To support distance learning, Indian Space Research Organisation, Government of India has launched dedicated communication satellite called EDUSAT in 2004. The satellite is widely used for variety of applications like Tele-education, Tele-medicine, Village Resource Centres, mobile satellite services, disaster management support and television broadcasting educating farmers for agriculture and other purposes.
https // registration/student
Procedure to join IIRS Outreach network
Register your organisation under IIRS Outreach Network by providing the below details:
• Type of Organisation:
Please select your organisation type whether
o University/Institute/College
o State Govt. Ministry/Department
o Industry/ Corporate
o Other
• Organisation Details:
Please enter your organisation Name in English & Hindi and Location details of your organisation
• Personal Details of Nominated Coordinator/Focal Person:
Since you are officiated as coordinator for IIRS Outreach Programme, please provide your complete details like: Name, Designation, Email ID and Address.
• Nomination & Request letter Details:
Please upload the request letter/ willingness letter signed by your head of organisation addressed to Director, IIRS regarding your interest to participate in IIRS Outreach Programme. In this letter it should be clearly mentioned the name and contact details of coordinator/focal person nominated for this course.
Registration for the Course:
• Determine your eligibility:
Before applying online, make sure your eligibility. Eligibility details are given below:
o The course is open for all the Student of undergraduate course/ Postgraduate course (any year).
o Technical/ Scientific Staff of Central/ State Government Ministries/ Departments
o Faculty / Researchers at university / institutions are also eligible to participate in this course.
• Selection of Course details:
During online application form you have to select the course which you wish to apply.
• Universities/institutions/Institute:
The list of universities/institutions/colleges networked under IIRS Outreach Programme. Select your university, if your university is not listed please refer Procedure to join IIRS Outreach network. After approval from IIRS /ISRO you can register.
• Personal Details:
Please provide your personal details like Name, Designation, Date of Birth, Gender, Nationality, E-Mail etc.
• Educational Details:
Please provide your education details starting from SSC to Degree level
• Other details:
Please provide the detail as per the online form
• Documents Upload:
Please upload your recent photograph & identification proof
A key advantage of e-learning is that it has quick delivery cycle than traditional classroom-based instruction. E-learning reduces learning time by at least 25 to 60 percent when compared to traditional learning methods. Also this is an as asynchronous learning method which provides learner anytime anywhere easy access for upgradation of knowledge and skills.
How e-learning is different from distance learning in IIRS?
E-learning is a part of IIRS Distance Learning or Outreach programme. The e-learning courses are designed and developed as a self-learning contents with computer guided system. The learners can take these courses with self-pace and convenience.
What is “Live and Interactive or EDUSAT” programme at IIRS? How it is different from e-learning?
EDUSAT is a live and interactive programme which can be attended through any online contents delivery system such A-view, webcasting, IIRS live server etc. Under these programmes, the live classroom sessions are broadcasted during defined time slot and duration. Under Live and interactive programme, the network of knowledge Institutions in India is setup with identified coordinator. The participants has to register for the programme by selecting any one network Institution. The participant has to attend the programme through his/her nodal centre only.
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