https //cluster : Login | SwiftAssess
If you are a student, click on the Student – Office 365 Login to login with your student email address Or Login with your exam key at cluster
Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication process that allows a user to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials.
- Accessing your SSO user profile:
- Go to
- Enter your Email and Password. Click Login.
- After successful login, SSO will redirect you to your main profile page, where you can perform the following tasks:
- Change your password.
- Add an Alternate Email address – to be able to reset your password using Reset Password Link sent to your alternate Email.
- Add a mobile number – to be able to reset your password.
- Add Security Question – to be able to reset your password.
Changing Default Password
1. Go to
2. Once click on logon new windows will show Insert your current password, new password and confirm new password. Then click change password.
Note that the new password should be complex “mix between numbers and letters capital and small and at least length of 8, for example “MoELogin13”.
3. If the new password did not change You will receive the following error message
4. If password change successfully, you will get the following message. Then your mailbox will be opened directly
5. Note that if you are using mobile device or any other device you should change the password on the these devices as well.
Account Recovery (Forgot Password)
- Click forgot password link found next to login button in SSO login page.
- Enter your login Email address.
- Select your recovery type (Alternate Email, Mobile or Security question).
- Click verify.
Note: If you did not fill your account recovery data in your SSO profile, you will not be able to self-reset your password. You need to contact MOE – Help desk. If you are a student – contact your school administrator.
Account Recovery By Alternate Email – You will receive a reset password link to your alternate Email address, once you click on the link, you will be able to enter a new password.
Account Recovery By Mobile Number – You will receive an SMS onetime password (OPT) – Enter the code, you will be able to enter a new password.
Account Recovery By Security Question – You have to answer all three questions, if all answers correct, you will be able to enter a new password.