help.bally Bally Sports Help : Solving Bally Sports App Issues

help.bally Bally Sports Help : Solving Bally Sports App Issues

If you see a blank screen on Bally Sports App, please make sure you have pressed the play button for your video and wait a minute or two. If you still cannot play the video, then your issue may be due to the following:

Low Memory

If your computer has less than the minimum 512 MB of memory or you are running many applications at the same time; please close other applications before playing a video.

Low Bandwidth

It is required that you have either a Cable or DSL modem providing at least 750 kbps download speed. Contact your internet provider if you suspect you are getting less than this speed.

bally sports

The video doesn’t look good — it’s freezing, skipping, or just won’t play. What can I do?