Greendot Register / Activate Login : Login to Activate / Register a GreenDot Debit Card
To register or activate your Green Dot Card, login into and enter 3-digit CW on the back of your card. Start using upon successful activation.
To activate/register your Green Dot card, follow these simple steps:
- Visit or select “Register / Activate Now” in the Green Dot app.
- Enter all the requested information, including personal details and card information.
- Input the 3-digit CVV located on the back of your card.
- Once successfully activated, you can start using your card! 😊
If you encounter any issues during the activation process, feel free to contact customer support at (866) 765-7605 for additional assistance. Happy banking! 🌟
The proprietary technology enables faster, more efficient electronic payments and money management, powering intuitive and seamless ways for people to spend, send, control and save their money
Through our retail and direct bank, we offer a suite of financial products to consumers and businesses including debit, prepaid, checking, credit and payroll cards, as well as robust money processing services, tax refunds, cash deposits and disbursements.
Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Pasadena. CA, Green Dot has served more than 33 million customers directly and many more through its banking partners, and now operates primarily as a “branchless bank” with more than 90.000 retail distribution locations nationwide. card :
1. Visit or select Register / Activate Now in the Green Dot app or call (866) 795-7605.
2 Enter all info requested including personal info and card details.
• Name
• Address
• Date of birth
• 16-digit card number
• Expiration date
• 3-digit security code (found on the back of your card)
• Mobile phone number
3. Enter 3-digit CW on the back of your card.
4. Start using upon successful activation.
Visit to Activate your card.
You can’t add your name or address to the temporary store card because neither are stored on the card. After a successful registration, a replacement card bearing your name will be mailed to you.
Activation requires online access, mobile number and identity verification (including SSN) to open an account and access all features. An activated, personalized card is required to access some features. For instance, when you activate your debit card, you’ll be able to deposit checks, pay bills, transfer money from another bank and more!
How do I update my personal information?
1. Log into the Green Dot app
2. Go to Settings, Personal Info then select the item to update
3. Hit Save
1. Log into
2. Go to Account Settings in upper right corner, then Edit Contact Info on left side menu
3. Make changes and click Save
Why do I need to activate / register my Green Dot debit card?
The card you purchased at a store is a temporary card and is not personalized with your name nor has your address associated with the account. When you successfully register your card, a new card personalized with your name will be sent in the mail. Activation requires online access, mobile number and identity verification (including SSN) to open an account and access all features. An activated, personalized card is required to access some features. For instance, when you activate your debit card, you’ll be able to deposit checks, pay bills, transfer money from another bank and more!