Does Instacart Take EBT : Get free delivery on your first 3 EBT orders

Does Instacart Take EBT : Get free delivery on your first 3 EBT orders

Use EBT SNAP to buy groceries at participating stores on Instacart and skip the delivery or pickup fee. Valid through 12/31/22 on eligible orders of $35 or more.

Using EBT SNAP on Instacart: easy as 1-2-3

1. Add your EBT SNAP card

Go to your Account Settings to add your EBT SNAP card as a payment method.

2. Shop for eligible items

Many staple foods and non-alcoholic beverages are eligible for EBT SNAP. These products are marked with an ‘EBT’ label when browsing at participating stores.

3. Check out with EBT SNAP

At checkout, make sure EBT SNAP is selected as a payment method. You’ll be able to select the amount paid by EBT SNAP.

Your EBT SNAP funds now work from home

Buying essential groceries with EBT is now possible without leaving home. Shop participating local stores and use your EBT SNAP funds to pay for eligible items in your order.

Does Instacart accept SNAP benefits?

SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) refers to a federal program that provides nutrition benefits to low-income individuals and families. Instacart accepts SNAP benefits via EBT cards at select stores in many states.

Who is eligible to use EBT SNAP on Instacart?

Instacart is part of a pilot run by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to accept EBT benefits online. Currently, customers with a valid EBT SNAP card in all states except Alaska, Louisiana and Montana can use their SNAP funds on Instacart at participating retailers. EBT funds must be used in the state in which they were provided. Learn more about SNAP eligibility on the USDA SNAP recipient website:

If you don’t see EBT SNAP as an option at your local store, make sure you have the latest version of the Instacart app. If you still don’t see EBT SNAP, check back later as we work to expand participation to more stores.

How do I sign up to use my EBT SNAP benefits on Instacart?

To use your EBT card, add it as a payment method within your account settings. A separate credit or debit card must also be linked to your Instacart account to cover fees, bottle deposits, taxes, delivery tips, and any other non-EBT SNAP-eligible items, per government regulation.

There are a few ways for you to see which items are EBT SNAP eligible on Instacart:

1) You can allow EBT SNAP-eligible items to display when you shop in-app. To enable this setting—
  • Click or tap Account
  • Select your Account Settings
  • Select SNAP EBT info
  • Tap the slider to turn on Show EBT eligibility by item
2) When searching for items in-app you can add a filter by tapping Explore > EBT Eligibility and selecting Only EBT-eligible items to see only EBT-eligible items. If you are browsing items from a Store’s homepage, tap or click on a specific item to see if it is EBT SNAP eligible. If it is eligible, it will say EBT above the price of the item.

3) You can confirm which items are EBT SNAP eligible in your cart before checking out. It will say EBT under the name of each item that qualifies.

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