carefirst nationsbenefits com Activate Flex Card

To activate the CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Flexible card, login into and Enter the 16 digit card number and expiration date of your Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card

The CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Advantage DualPrime (HMO-SNP) plan offers an over-the-counter (OTC) drug benefit, which can help you save money on a wide variety of items—like pain relievers, cold medications, bathroom safety supplies, and first aid supplies.

CareFirst members receive a $90 monthly allowance that can be applied to the products listed in the catalog. The $90 must be used within a calendar month. Remaining allowance cannot be carried over to the following month. Your order will be applied to the month in which your order is received in. For example, if you mail your order form on June 29th, but we receive it on July 1st, your order total will be applied to your July  benefit.

How to Order

By Mail: Complete an order form from the attached catalog and mail it to the address at the bottom of the form.

By Phone: Call 1-844-479-6334 TTY:711.

Member Experience Advisors are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.

Online: Visit to place your order.

CareFirst Activate Flex Card 2023

Once you receive and activate your card, you can start using it online through the MyBenefits portal and the MyBenefits app and/or in person at a participating retail location near you. When at a retail location, simply swipe your card for payment.

1. Log in to your personalized MyBenefits portal at or call 844-479-6334 (TTY: 711)

2. Enter the 16 digit card number and expiration date of your Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card.

3. Your 12-digit member ID contains 2 letters and 10 numbers.

4. Enter your Date of Birth and Last Name provided to your health plan during enrollment

5. Click on Activate Card Button to activate your card


CareFirst cardThe Bancorp Bank, N.A
Article Namecarefirst nationsbenefits com Activate
Help Line Number844-479-6334
Activate CareFirst cardClick Here

How does the Over-the-Counter (OTC) and Flex healthcare prepaid benefit work with my health plan?

A: CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Advantage DualPrime (HMO-SNP) has partnered with NationsBenefits® to administer the Over-the-Counter (OTC) and Flex prepaid card benefit for groceries/utilities. Every DualPrime (HMO-SNP) member qualifies for the $90 per month OTC benefit regardless of health condition.

You can access this benefit today through NationsBenefits and/or mail order catalog. To use your $90 per month benefit on groceries/utilities you must confirm that you have a qualifying health condition. This will allow you to use your $90 per month allowance on groceries, utilities, and/or OTC orders.

The card gives you easy access to funds that can be used to purchase groceries and/or utilities to personalize your care. It also gives you a simple way to pay for eligible items through NationsBenefits and many retail locations. Note that this card will also be used to upload funds for participating in the Healthy Rewards Program. More information on Healthy Rewards Program is included in your Welcome Kit Packet.

How do I confirm my health condition in order to qualify?

A: You will need to self-attest to confirm your chronic condition. Once you receive your prepaid card, you will need to activate the card by calling 844-479-6334 (TTY: 711). When you call, you will be prompted to press a number to indicate you have one of the qualifying conditions. If you have one of the conditions, then you will have access to use the healthcare prepaid card within 2 business days.

How does my card work?

A: You can use your card to pay for groceries and utilities. The funds will be taken directly from your program allowance. Your card cannot be used at an ATM or for cash back when making a purchase. Your card cannot be used to purchase alcohol, tobacco, or firearms.

How can I check my card balance?

A: You can check your card balance at You can also call 844-479-6334 (TTY: 711 ) for cardholder transaction information.