Bifocal Glasses Glasses USA : Types, Brands & Tips for Buying

Bifocal Glasses Glasses USA : Types, Brands & Tips for Buying

Bifocals are eyeglasses with two distinct optical powers. Bifocals are commonly prescribed to people with presbyopia who also require a correction for myopia, hyperopia, and/or astigmatism.

Original bifocals were designed with the most convex lenses (for close viewing) in the lower half of the frame and the least convex lenses on the upper. Up until the beginning of the 20th century two separate lenses were cut in half and combined in the rim of the frame. The mounting of two half lenses into a single frame led to a number of early complications and rendered such spectacles quite fragile.

A method for fusing the sections of the lenses together was developed by Louis de Wecker at the end of the 19th century and patented by John L. Borsch Jr. in 1908. Today most bifocals are created by molding a reading segment into a primary lens and are available with the reading segments in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Bifocal Glasses Glasses USA :

KODAK Progressive Lenses

The newer, preferred eyewear to correct presbyopia is progressive lenses, which have become the most popular choice for wearers who need reading correction but don’t want the drawbacks of older eyewear options, like Bifocal lenses. KODAK Progressive Lenses offer uninterrupted vision at all distances.

Bifocal Lenses

If you already have eyewear to help with one viewing distance, but are starting to struggle with up-close vision, especially when reading, KODAK Progressive Lenses provide a convenient and high performance alternative to traditional solutions – offering uninterrupted vision at all distances.

KODAK Progressive Lenses utilize advanced proprietary technologies to offer you sharp, clear vision for distance, intermediate and near vision.

Bifocal lenses assist with distance vision in the top and up-close vision in the bottom of the lens, but have a visible line that is distracting from both sides – wearers also experience an “image jump” when moving between viewing distances.

KODAK Progressive Lenses provide an uninterrupted viewing experience – correcting for distance, intermediate and near vision without the distracting lines that can be seen in bifocals and trifocals.


  • See everything from your menu to the movie screen
  • More youthful appearance with a no-line bifocal

Bard Optical

Bard Optical has a certified team of opticians ready to assist you in choosing the perfect pair of glasses for your eyes. While there is no substitute to walking through the process in person (along with a comprehensive eye exam), here is some information on the differences between bifocal glasses and progressive glasses that you will find helpful leading up to your appointment

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Reading Glasses vs Bifocals Glasses | Marvel Optics

Several types of purpose-oriented bifocal and trifocal lens design options include eyewear for using computers and other activities that require clear vision. With multifocal lenses, you have two or more lens powers that help you focus on objects located at different distances that your eyes may no longer be able to do because you are getting older.

Progressive multifocal lenses include different lens powers. Usually, multifocal lenses are recommended for individuals over the age of 40; however, in some situations, bifocals can be used for kids or younger adults who have various eye disorders, such as eye strain or focusing.

Shop Bifocal Glasses

Progressive and Bifocal Eyeglasses Lens Types: Designer Optics

Bifocal – Flat Top 28

Bifocal lenses have two different powers within the lens which allows for two fields of vision correction. The ’28’ in the name indicates the size for the lens from side to side. These lenses correct your vision for both near and far distances. Bifocal lenses are prescribed for anyone who suffers from presbyopia (near-sightedness) and hypermetropia (long-sightedness). The flat-top lens has a segment at the bottom that focuses on your near vision, and your ability to read at close distances. The flat-top 28 lenses are easier for eyes to adapt to, and are a popular choice for those changing from single vision lenses to bifocals.


Bifocal – Flat Top 35 

The bifocal lenses correct your vision for both near and far distances and are prescribed for anyone who suffers from presbyopia (near-sightedness) and hypermetropia (long-sightedness) as they have two different powers to correct your full field of vision. The Flat Top 35 lens is wider from side to side at the top compared to the Flat Top 28 lens, giving you a larger reading area at the top of 35mm. The flat-top lens has a segment at the bottom that focuses on your near vision and improves your ability to read at close distances.

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