aka.ms/phonelink | Connect your Phone using Microsoft Phone Link

aka.ms/phonelink | Connect your Phone using Microsoft Phone Link

If you’re trying to connect your phone to your Windows PC using Microsoft’s Phone Link, go to aka.ms/phonelink. This will redirect you to a page with a QR code.

This is a great way to access your phone’s notifications, messages, and even apps right on your computer. Here’s how to link your phone using aka.ms/phonelink:

On your PC:

  1. Make sure you have the Phone Link app: It’s usually pre-installed on Windows 10 and 11. If not, you can download it from the Microsoft Store.
  2. Open the Phone Link app: Search for “Phone Link” in the Start menu and open it.
  3. Go to the website: Open your web browser and go to aka.ms/phonelink. This will redirect you to a page with a QR code.

On your Android phone:

  1. Install the Link to Windows app: If you don’t have it already, download the “Link to Windows” app from the Google Play Store. Some Samsung phones have it pre-installed as “Link to Windows” or “Your Phone Companion.”
  2. Open the Link to Windows app: Launch the app on your phone.
  3. Scan the QR code: Use the app to scan the QR code displayed on your PC screen.


Complete the connection:

  • Follow the on-screen prompts: Both your PC and phone will guide you through any remaining steps, like granting permissions and signing in with your Microsoft account.


  • Make sure both devices are on the same Wi-Fi network.
  • Check for updates: Ensure both the Phone Link app on your PC and the Link to Windows app on your phone are up-to-date.
  • Restart your devices: If you encounter any issues, try restarting both your PC and your phone.

If you have an iPhone:

Phone Link has limited functionality for iPhones. You can still use it for things like making calls and sending messages, but you won’t have access to all the features available for Android.