ACT Practice Test PDF with Answers
There are several excellent resources available for free ACT practice tests with answers. The official ACT website offers a free practice test PDF (Form 2176 CPRE) with answer keys.
Here are some of the best:
Official ACT Practice Tests:
- ACT.org: The official ACT website offers a free practice test PDF (Form 2176 CPRE) with answer keys. This is the most accurate representation of the real ACT exam. You can find it here: https://www.act.org/content/
Other Reputable Sources:
• Magoosh: Magoosh offers a free full-length ACT practice test PDF with 216 high-quality questions and video explanations for every answer. You can download it here: https://d19y2ugh44almm.cloudfront.net.pdf
• Piqosity: This website provides links to three official ACT practice tests in PDF format, along with detailed answer explanations for each section. Find them here: https://www.piqosity.com/
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Tips for Using Practice Tests:
• Simulate Test Day Conditions: Find a quiet place, time yourself, and use the official answer sheet to mimic the real testing experience.
• Analyze Your Results: Review your answers carefully, identify your weaknesses, and focus your study efforts on those areas.
• Use Multiple Tests: Taking multiple practice tests can help you build confidence and improve your pacing.
Solve each problem, choose the correct answer, and then fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document. Do not linger over problems that take too much time. Solve as many as you can; then return to the others in the time you have left for this test. You are permitted to use a calculator on this test.
You may use your calculator for any problems you choose, but some of the problems may best be done without using a calculator.
Taking the Practice Tests
It is a good idea to take the practice tests under conditions as similar as possible to those you will experience on test day. The following tips will help you:
• If taking the ACT (no writing), the four multiple-choice tests require 2 hours and 55 minutes to complete. Take them in order, in one sitting, with a 10- to 15-minute break between Tests 2 and 3.
• You will need only sharpened, soft lead No. 2 pencils and good erasers. Remove all other items from your desk. You will not be allowed to use unapproved scratch paper, but you can use the test booklet to make notes.
• If you plan to use a permitted calculator on the mathematics test, use the same one you will use on test day.