: Activate, Register and Login for iCivics
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04/05/2024 : Activate, Register and Login for iCivics : Activate, Register and Login for iCivics

iCivics lesson plans and online activities are written by veteran teachers and designed with ease and functionality in mind. Individual activities are easy to manage, self-contained, and there is always something you can collect from students at the end of the period. Lesson materials are visually appealing and written in a conversational tone to foster students’ interest.

They teach the material in the context of problems and issues that are relevant to students. You won’t have to search for supplementary readings or type up a last-minute worksheet. Just give the materials to your students, follow the Step-By-Step instructions, and teach.

https // for Help : Steps to recover Gmail Password with Phone, Email

How do I register as a student?

Read below for step-by-step instructions for registering for a student account, or click to watch our video tutorial on youtube.

1. Start by going to

2. Select the purple button that says “Sign In” at the top right-hand corner of the screen. A new screen will appear.


3. Next, select “Register as a Student” from the purple box:


There are two ways to register as a student: (1) with a class code and (2) with an email address. If your teacher shared a class code with you, follow Method One. If you do NOT have a class code, follow Method Two. You do not need a class code to use iCivics.

Method One: Class Code Service : How To Renew and take New Learning Licence

A class code must be given to a student by an iCivics registered teacher. If you have a class code, follow the steps under this heading. If you do not have a class code, scroll to the next heading (“Method Two: Email”)

4. Enter your class code and your first and last name in the boxes. You may choose to add an email address now or later when your profile is set up. An email address could help if you forget your password, but you don’t need one if you have a class code.


5. After you enter this information, you will create a password for your account. When you have done this, click “Finish” and you will be logged into your new student account.

** It’s important to write down your username so you don’t forget it and lose access to your account. 

Method Two: Email

You can also register for a student account using an email address. You do not need a class code for this method. When you select “Sign in” and “Register as a Student” (as described at the top), you’ll be sent to the class code registration.

4. To register without a class code, click on the bottom where it says “I don’t have a class code”


5. You’ll be taken to this screen. Enter your first and last name and email address.


6. When you click “Next”, you’ll be asked to create a password.

After that you will be taken to this screen, which will remind you to go to your email and open the email we sent to verify your new student account.

https // Login Account : Microsoft Outlook Sign-In Account

7. Verify your account and then login.


If you don’t see an email from us in your inbox, check your spam folder or click “Resent Confirmation”.

Where are answer keys for lessons?

The answers to all of the activities are found in the readings of each lesson. However, we don’t want to leave you completely unsupported. If you would like to have the answer key to a lesson, you can follow these steps:

  1. Send an email to ke*@ic*****.org from your school email account
  2. Verify that you are a teacher by:
    • Attaching a photo of your school ID
    • Providing a link to your faculty page that includes your name, photo, and email address (the one you email us from)
    • If you’re a homeschool teacher or parent educator: Please tell us a little more about your instructional setting and how you use iCivics with kids.
  3. Copy and paste this agreement, complete with your name that will act as your electronic signature:

I ___________________ (name) will not share or post iCivics answer keys anywhere on the internet or my account will be reported.


Once we verify your account. We can grant you access to answer keys. You can expect a response from us within 3 days of your email.

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