2nd PUC Result Search by Register Number :
The second PUC exam results will be declared by the Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka by July 31, 2021. Karnataka’s 2nd PUC result will be made available on karresults.nic.in. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Karnataka government has cancelled the 2nd PUC exam. Students must enter their registration number to check their karresults.nic.in 2nd PUC result.
karresults.nic.in 2021 PUC Results
Students can also check Karnataka PU2nd PUC Result Search by Register Number : The second PUC exam results will be declared by the Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka by July 31, 2021.C II Result 2020 through SMS as well. Appeared candidates will have to send a text message from their mobile phones to get their results.
SMS Format : Type KAR12<space>Registration Number and send it to 56263.
Steps to check your Karnataka II PU Results :
To check results, go through these simple steps listed below.
Step 1:
Visit the official websites — karresults.nic.in or kseeb.kar.nic.in
Step 2:
Click on ‘Karnataka PUC Result 2021’ on the home page
Step 3:
Enter your credentials, such as your registration number, and hit ‘Submit’
Step 4:
Your results will appear on the window that opens
Step 5:
Download your results and take a print out for future reference
Candidates who will appear for CET 2021 are advised to not skip the CET even if they fail to clear PUC exams. They can appear for supplemantary exams and make up for it.
Last year, the board moved to the digital mode from having details of students updated manually. All State board schools across Karnataka updated the information of over 1 crore students onto the student tracking system (STS), which was implemented by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Karnataka (SSA Karnataka)
In case there are any discrepancies in the marksheets, students should contact their school or the dedicated student helpline launched by KSEEB.
Students dissatisfied with their results can opt for re-evaluation. The board will announce the date for re-evaluation process after declaring the Class 12 results. Any changes in the scores after re-evaluation will reflect in the updated marksheets
After X standard every year about 10 lakhs students enroll in the 2 year Pre-university courses. The courses offered by the Department are broadly classified under the categories of Humanities (Arts), Science & Commerce. There are 23 subjects, 11 languages and 50 combinations in the Pre-University curriculum. In 2010-11, there were 4,43,185 students in Humanities in I & II PUC, 2,47,421 students in Science in I & II PUC & 2,77,189 students in commerce in I & II PUC
There are 1202 Government Pre-University colleges, 637 Aided Pre-University colleges, 1936 Unaided Pre-University colleges, 165 bifurcated Pre-University colleges & 13 Corporation Pre-university colleges.
Karnataka PUC Result 2021 Name Wise
If you want to see your Karnataka PUC Results 2021 by name then it is possible. There are various websites which provide Karnataka PUC Result 2021 Name Wise. These websites are indiaresults.com or examresults.net etc. On these websites, you can see Karnataka PUC Result 2021 Name Wise. To see the result in this way, you will just have to submit your name and the list of the result with the same name will appear to you. So, all you need to do at that time is to recognize your result through your roll number or through the parent’s name. Then you will be able to see your result.
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